GCSE English Revision - Of Mice And Men

6th May 2014

We've briefly looked at the main characters of the novel in previous blogs, now we have some historical facts of the time which give you context. Historical factors The Depression: -...


GCSE English Revision - Of Mice And Men; Characters

6th May 2014

In the 1930’s mid-West few farm workers had real friendships like the one between Lennie and George. This adds poignancy to the novel. Unlike many other characters in the novel, they...


GCSE English Revision - To Kill A Mockingbird

6th May 2014

Context revision    Context – setting the scene for the book. The book is set in a small town in the USA called Maycomb, in the state of Alabama during the 1930’s. There can be compari...


GCSE English Revision - To Kill A Mockingbird; Characters

6th May 2014

General comment: The novel contains many characters through whom we are able to understand the events that take place in the novel and the knock-on effects these have on people. It is im...


GCSE Maths Revision; Simple Percentages In 10 Seconds

2nd May 2014

Simple percentage in 10 seconds! Which one is higher, 36% of 67 or 67% of 36? Did you manage it in 10 seconds?  if you used the commutative property of multiplication, you may have not...


GCSE Maths Revision; Pythahgoras

2nd May 2014

 PYTHAGORAS  Check out the GCSE Mathematics revision song about “Pythagoras” http://learnthrumusic.co.uk/subjects/#subject-2 We have found Phythagoras’s tree. It was created by the mathematics teac...


GCSE Maths Revision tips

2nd May 2014

Maths revision is different from other subejects, you can't just read through the textbook. The only way to revise maths is to do maths. You will do much better by spending 20 minutes d...


GCSE Maths Revison ; Factors

2nd May 2014

We like to remember with BODMAS: If there are no brackets, we need to work out what part of the formula to calculate first. To know what to work out first we use the BODMAS rule. BOD...


GCSE English Revision - Othello

1st May 2014

Othello is another popular play of Shakespeare's and GCSE text which we have covered in song, with the main themes including jealousy and revenge. After you've familiarised yourself with...


GCSE Revision - What We Do

30th April 2014

We provide GCSE revision resources for schools and students, with revision songs to learn key subjects through lyrics, and online tests to check students progress. The interactive ly...



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