Why It Works- The Power Of Music

17th April 2014

This Is Your Brain On Music; Music as a Learning Resource 

There has been a lot of research into the connection between music and cognitive function, with links being made to music and early language development. Studies have shown that music training causes improvements in several diverse aspects of cognition, and one way it produces these effects is by improving attention. Music training increases and develops ''attentional'' selection (which involves suppression of distractions, and signals which are irrelevant information). 

Fun Facts

1. Music is a drug

Studies suggest that music activates the release of dopamine, the reward drug. A leisurely meal can increase dopamine levels by 6%. With music, people can enjoy an icrease of up to 21%. Dopamine is crucial, because it's what makes us repeat behaviours - meaning we'll always come back. 

2. Head banging and toe tapping

Dopamine passes to the cerebellum, an area associated with physical movement. This is what makes us want to shake our hips to salsa, or bob our head to rock. 

3. The musical ear can be moulded 

Don't worry if you haven't got the moves like Jagger, listening to music from an early age can help identify and develop rythym hearing.

4. An Ipod can't compare to a concert

Unlike when we plug into our headphones, live performances activate a specific part of the brain. If we watch someone peforming an action we can do too, we imagine it could be us headlining at Glastonbury. 


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