GCSE Revision Tips For Parents

29th April 2014

It can be difficult living with teens approaching their GCSE exams, especially when you don't know how to help them. We've found that adult engagement has a direct impact on students results, so here are our top tips for getting through it;


1. Make sure your child has the right equipment. Buy them new stationary such as highlighters, and ensure they have the right materials. We provide revision resources for only £12 - this includes revision songs and online tests for Science, English and Maths. 

2. Work out a revision timetable, this will help them feel more in control of their work. 

3. Provide all round support with a happy homelife. This means make allowances and don't nag around exam time, making sure the rest of the family know to be considerate. 

4. Don't bribe them. Some parents offer their children money as a reward for doing well, but this can affect your childs sense of self worth- sending the message that the only worthwile reward for hard work is money. You should encourage your child to do well for his/her own sake, not for money or to please you. 

5. Instead of bribing with money, treat them with a snack after a revision session and provide them with plenty of healthy meals - ensuring they have breakfast on the morning of an exam. 


Keep track of your childs progress; use our revision pack with syllabus packed songs and online tests. Free 24 hour trial today. http://learnthrumusic.co.uk/sign-up/#trial-account




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