GCSE Chemistry Revision - Atoms, Elements, Compounds - the key facts

30th March 2017

New GCSE Science Syllabus

CHEMISTRY - Atoms, Elements, Compounds - the key facts


To make sure you do the very best you can in your Chemistry examinations we’re going to run through the key facts for atoms, elements and compounds.

Atoms are what makes up everything around us and all substances are made of them. If we were to look very closely at an element, an atom is the very smallest part of what makes up this element.


These atoms are represented by symbols. Below are a few examples:

  • O, Oxygen

  • He, Helium

  • C, Carbon

  • N, Nitrogen


The elements that are made up from these atoms are shown in the periodic table. There are around 100 elements. Below is a picture of this table, which you should become very familiar with.

Compounds are formed when two or more of these elements are involved in a chemical reaction. When a chemical reaction takes place, one or more substances are formed and a detectable energy force is often present. Compounds can be represented by formula using the symbols of the elements that make them. They’re always made up of two or more elements that have been chemically combined in fixed proportions. To separate compounds back into elements, there must be another chemical reaction. Chemical reactions can also be represented by formula and symbols used in work equations.

If you haven’t listen to our song of atoms, elements and compounds, go and have a look and listen! It will help you remember what we’ve go through here and further prepare you for you Chemistry exams.



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